Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How Multiracial College Students Cope



  1. I think it's a good thing that solution to solve discrimination and racism exist in the camps and the college. I hope that the problem won't be a problem anymore as soon as possible.

  2. I think that the outcome of their experiments are a good idea to have, but how much do you think would change in schools, and when would they put it into action. Like I'm going to be graduating soon and I don't want classes like these keeping me back from graduating High School.

  3. I think we should be excepting of multicultural people. Because you could be saved by a person of a different race and they looked past the cultural differences to save you and positionally put their own life at risk.

  4. I think that the outcome of their experiments are a good idea to have, but how much do you think would change in schools, and when would they put it into action. Like I'm going to be graduating soon and I don't want classes like these keeping me back from graduating High School.

  5. I think that what they concluded was a good thing and that it will help people who feel left out feel better and more involved. The only problem I see is that no matter what you say to some people they are always going to be racist, there really is no way to stop them from feeling and thinking how they do about people.

  6. school itself has a variety of people with different cultural backgrounds and its good not only to us but them also. more multiracial people we have the better understanding we gain from them.
