Sunday, October 9, 2011

Survival of the Nice Guys

Yea!! Nice guys don't always finish last. It's OK to be average!


  1. Well it seems to be the average joes are capable of healthy survialness, but those high quality joes are so focused in being extremely great in an area that thye fail when it comes to other parts.

  2. i would rather be average,and focus on everthing not just one thing

  3. I agree southern boy. What is the point on being a "hot shot" and not having all the facts when you can be "average" and have more facts then the "hot shots"? I would def have more facts and be "average" than very few and be a "hot shot".

  4. I know i would rather have the average guy. The average guy is down to earth and actually knows things instead of the hot shot whose so focused on looks and kinda stupid..

  5. i so agree. LOOKS ARE NOT EVERYTHING. i could never handle being with a guy dumber than me. hahaha. not saying im dumb.

  6. the good looking guys dont even look at a normal girl the popular girl dont loook at the nice guys this is how it has aklwzays been and always will be

  7. there is no such thing as a normal girl or a normal person in that matter everyone is unique

  8. there is no such thing as a normal girl or a normal person in that matter everyone is unique
