Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Are You a Liberal or a Conservative?



  1. According to the quiz, I believe in freedom and equality. This is fairly accurate, but I also think it depends on the situation.

  2. I got Liberal.

    "You believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. You have compassion & wanting to help those unfortunates and make this world a better place. You generally support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade."

    I guess I agree with it.

  3. I got a centralist. I would agree with this because I I can agree with certain things on both sides, just not all things.

  4. I got centrist, Not sure what that means but i believe that, everyone should be dealt with different ways. just like school punishments, giving everyone the same punishment might not work, some people might be affected by punishments differently.

    1. im with you, i also got centrist and i think that a solution should be made that satisfies everyone and the solution should not be biased

  5. i am conservative. because liberals are destroying America.

    1. can you please explain the liberal destruction pattern or plan.

    2. side note there is no need for a period after conservative.

    3. Did you even take the quiz? Why are conservatives so great and liberals so bad? You can not bluntly say something like that without support.

    4. Yes, please elaborate on how liberals are destroying this country, because I'm not sure I understand.

  6. I have been coined a conservative meaning,

    'You believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. You are patriotic and live by great principles. You cherish tradition, culture and religion. You generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems and like to set great example for others to follow,"

    and while I agree with some of this I don't feel I can agree with all of it.

    1. I do not think its right for society to say people are one or the other. People should come up with their own beliefs instead of "picking a side" either liberal or conservative.

  7. I am a conservative, because giving money to people that dont have jobs just means they are going to count on that money and never be able to take care of themselves without free handouts.

  8. I'm a centralist, I can agree with both sides and i still have my own opinion and solutions to the problem.

  9. I am a liberal.

    "You believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. You have compassion & wanting to help those unfortunates and make this world a better place. You generally support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade."

    I suppose I agree with this.

  10. I am a centralist, i agree and disagree with things on both sides.

  11. According to the test I am a centrist. I agree with what I got because I dont usually lean to far towards one political group.
