Sunday, May 5, 2013

How Does Multitasking change the way kids learn?


  1. I can multitask like a beast!

  2. Multitasking affects anything you do whether it be driving, working, or learning. You cannot perform your best if you're multitasking.

    1. Larry hoova you couldn't of said it any better!

  3. They learn a little bit slower cause there trying to do all this stuff at the same time so they might not pay attention to everything

  4. I always thought multitasking was a good thing but lately I have found that it is pretty bad. It is a bad habit that almost everyone these days has. I think that it is something that we should overcome and teach ourselves not to do it. We all would be better of if we did not multitask.

  5. If multi-tasking is so bad for us as students then why do we get so much homework every night that takes us so long to do? it takes so long to do homework because so many of us have hours of homework every night and so many of us are also in sports. It is hard to concentrate on homework at ten at night.

  6. i think multi tasking jsut causes stress, one thing at a time and life is easier

  7. i think multitasking was a good thing but now i'm told that its not....i'm confused??

  8. Multitasking is a pretty good thing sometimes cause when you need to get something done you can do 2 or maybe 3 things at once

  9. multitasking is a good and bad thing. like multitasking is simple to do if your doing something easy but if your driving is not a good thing to do. texting while driving has a higher accident rate then drinking and driving now.

  10. i dont see why its a big deal? if we complete the given task in a timely fashion and in good condition why does it matter if were doing stuff in between!? and in lectures if we get the information and we inderstand it. why is it a big deal if were texting or doing something on the side?

  11. There are people that can multitask evary effectively but some times people its diffical for people that don't have the abilty tto have bin in an invirment where they have to multitask in order to do things.

  12. I can hear my teacher just fine when I'm on my phone, I'm just not paying attention to them.

  13. i think you learn twice as fast when your doing two things at once

  14. I think this should be research further if schools are going to give the students ipads to replace their textbooks without question.

  15. I think multitasking is a good and bad thing, doing more then one thing at a time is nice and you get things done faster, but i feel like if your doing more then one thing at a time you might forget things.

  16. You need to multitask at proper times not when driving or in school but when you are at home and are doing homework.

  17. multitasking can be good in some cases but it can get overwhelming and be a distraction

  18. Multitasking is a skill that not all people have but if you do have it it can save a lot of time, it can also make you forgetful on what you were doing previously to what you are doing now. All depends on your person.

  19. I think it's perfectly fine to multitask all the time. It's when you allow yourself to become distracted when there's a problem. I need to be listening to music or having the TV as background noise in order to concentrate on homework. It's when you do less and less homework and more and more social media/TV that you have a problem.

  20. Sometimes its good to multi task it depends on the situation! iand depends on the person. it has positive and negative effects.

  21. It depends on what you're doing. Like when I do homework I have to put my phone and iPad somewhere else otherwise I don't focus and I don't get anything done.

  22. I think multitasking makes learning harder for kids because they are not as focused and might not remember it as well when they are trying to do many different things.
