Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Sociologist Looks at Violence



  1. I don't think anybody could really answer why these things happen. Who could predict that a guy would go into a movie theater and shoot everyone in there? Who could predict when high school students do it? Who could predict that a man would break into an elementary school and shoot little kids? Nobody.

    1. You are right. It's unpredictable, and you cannot live life always looking over your shoulder. Life cannot be enjoyed by living that way.

    2. yes i agree life can not be enjoyed always looking over your shoulder

    3. Yes very true !!!! All 3 of u !!!

    4. I agree 100%. There is no way we can predict the future. That is just something we cannot do.

  2. I always wounder what the world would look like if there was no violence an had no weapons. If we would not of had slaves or people being judgmental & racist. The world would be a much better place.

    1. Ever since Eve ate the apple, evil has existed. This is the way it has always been and way it will always be. One can speculate about what the world would be like without violence, but it just isn't realistic.

    2. i second that. you cannot stop that little red guy on your shoulder when your starving your body is gonna do what ever it can to survive thats where people have went into canibalism you just cant control emotions like that.

    3. The world will always have violence that's just the way it is. However, we can try to minimize this violence and we can all be responsible for ourselves and our actions. It would be nice though if no violence existed.

  3. I agree with "that second girl" i dont see how anyone can predict that.

  4. we should learn that violence doesn't show for anything and that people should grow up and deal with there own problems and not make them worse and kill people for there problems.

  5. This article is full of great points. I think that it is funny that the different people have different points, but it makes total sense. A pastor is going to tell you something totally different then a psychologist. So true. But what they tell you does not take everything in to account. I think that a sociologist would take everything in to perspective therefor giving out a better answer.

  6. Humans are always looking for conflict. We are killers simple as that. All of us have the potential to go on a killing spree at some school. War and violence is a natural part of our life. You will never find any point in human history where we had a time of peace that lasted more then 20 years.

  7. If u did ur life would not be fun at all just live life only got one !!!

  8. i think violence is a bad thing. but its not something we can get rid of, we can only hope to down size it

  9. I think you can notice signs about people that they're mentally unstable but I agree with the above comments that you can never predict the future and that there's always going to be evil in the world.
