Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Facebook Is A Spy Machine



  1. I think people are really blind to the fact that yes facebook produces a public profile of everything about you and it can be accessed by anyone.

  2. Most people use facebook as a creeping method and to be nosy in peoples life. Many people post everything they do and feel so its pretty easy for most people.

  3. Both Facebook and Google build personal profiles of its users. The difference between the two is that we as users freely put all of our information out on the net. Whereas Google collects data with out us users really knowing it by keeping track of what we search for. Do we become educated users and learn to operate within the system or do we put our heads in the ground and avoid technology all together?

  4. I think you shouldn't put stuff out there if you don't want people to know about it.

  5. We need to become educated users instead of dumping it altogether otherwise we'll never know how to use it properly.

  6. With facebook you can have your privacy settings so no one can see your profile unless you confirm them as a friend, then they can see it all. Its your choice to put all the information you want on there. if you don't want people to see it, don't share it. Plain and simple. Learn how to use it.

  7. If you're going to have a facebook then you should know how to use it. Otherwise, you could end up in a sticky situation with what you choose to put on there and perhaps a future job.

  8. Most people end up in horrible situations by putting where there from, there adress, phone number, and more info and then just accept friend requests from who knows. This goes and get you in trouble.

  9. You can make people aware of the dangers of privicy issues,and tell them to not share certain things on the internet all you want but that doesn't meant they won't do it.

  10. Yes like Bella said people probably wouldn't listen and thats there own problem. If your going to use facebook and you get in trouble, lets just say you were warned before hand and just didn't listen.

  11. Oh BellaDancerella, you have a well stated point. I think facebook is just going along with the rest of the web. We can track anything that's out there these days, this just happenes to be a page someone wanted there life to be perceived as.

  12. Other countries can just as easily type in someone's name on facebook and look at their information if privicy settings aren't set right. Why worry about just the US collecting such info when other countries can do it just as easily? You really should understand what you're doing when you post something online, because it's not just facebook or google that's collecting info.

  13. Yes everything collets info, if a photo is posted of you or some stupid post, its on there forever even if you hit the delete button. Most people do not think before they post stuff that can ruin peoples lifes and futures.

  14. I believe this should also encouarge people to not to do stupid stuff, because you never know who's recording it.

  15. You need to be careful of who you have as friends also. just because you know what you should and shouldnt post, doesnt mean any of your friends do. And if they say something stupid, or too personally about you.. its all on you. it doesnt matter if it was someone else who said it, you have to deal with it later.

  16. "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future." -Some Smart Person

  17. Colleges go and look at your profiles and future work places. This could effect so much of your future and yes don't be friends with stupid people. If you have stupid people or stupid friends that could get you in so much trouble.

  18. Very good quote boots, the group you are around makes a big difference in your life.

  19. Keep it clean folks and you won't have to worry about those "spys".

  20. IF YOU DONT WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW THEN DONT TELL THEM! thats what is comes down to!

  21. I agree with Blonde10. We have to be careful with what we put out there. One of my teachers told us in class the other day that companies has fired their employers for what they've figured out about them on facebook. More than 30% of the companies in the United States has done this

  22. Colleges go and look up your facebook profiles and so do so many empoloyers. They can turn you away for what they see on your profile. People need to learn to be smart with what they put on facebook. Most of the time people just get in trouble by what they post.

  23. If you're going to post bad stuff, it's going to come back and bite you.

  24. i agree with boots and blondie. People just need to be snmart about what they put in facebook.

  25. you have to be careful on what you are going to post on your facebook, if you don't want certain people looking at it then dont post it, try and think of the future too and who might be looking at it months or years from now.

  26. if you are dumb enough to post something you don;t want to be shown to everyone then its the users fault. facebook users get younger and younger. and also a lot of older people have taken over, now twitter is the place to bee
