Tuesday, May 13, 2014

For the Loved of Being 'Liked"



  1. alot of people just use social media to be liked. they do things they would necessarily do in real life just to be liked

  2. i feel that social media has turned from the social aspect that it was invented for and turned into a "like/re-tweet" contest. if we stopped thinking that we need every ones approvals we would not need to worry about this problem and social media would actually be somewhat social again.

    1. People will take down photos if they don't get enough "likes" or "favorites".

  3. Social media has become a way for people to say what they wouldn't normally say in person. It also has become a way to vent. Regardless if some people care or not.

  4. how many likes you have determines your popularity. you get noticed more when you have this many likes, or retweets, or even pins. people are always checking their numerous accounts to get noticed as much as they can. our social interaction is now mostly happening on the internet. what ever happened to face to face, WITHOUT the distractions of phones and social networks?

  5. Social media is just an elaborate mask that people put on to have a better sel image.

  6. Social media was created to keep people connected and share life events with friends. Now days i think that people use social media to gain social approval. This does not seem right to me. It is hard enough to gain social approval in real life events. We don't also need people examining every move we make online. If you get 20 likes on a picture you may be considered "cool" or "pretty" or whatever, but if you only get 6 your "ugly" or "uncool". Overall I think people are judged enough everyday and do not need online judgement, but I also believe it is near impossible for people not to judge other peoples every move whether it be online or in person.
