Monday, February 10, 2014

Medals Aren’t Enough: Female Olympians Still Have to Sell Sexiness

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  1. It should always be about the performance in my opinion and not about what the athelete looks like.

  2. I think it's ridiculous that females in the Olympics must be just as pretty as they are talented just to get more hype. The Olympics isn't some sort of beauty contest it was created from an athletic stand point, to watch the best of the best perform and compete based on talent not looks.

  3. I watched a movie once and this was the same situation. They not only had to be as talented as they were, they also needed to have good looks. The Olympics isn't based on beauty or how you look. It is based on your integrity, athleticism, and ability.

  4. This is ridiculous. The Olympics started as an athletic competition and it should stay that way. It should be about the athlete's talent, not their looks

  5. its a busness and in any busness is to make money. so who cares as long as there making a profit.

  6. I don't see how looks should have anything to do with performance. They should be more focused on winning not making them look sexy.

  7. Here it is, you can be beautiful and a good athlete. You can be ugly and a good athlete. You can be ugly or beautiful and suck. Your performance is what matters. I could care less what you look like. Screen time should be given to the most watched portions guys or girl. Stay Classy ACGC

  8. If they have made it to the Olympics it's because of how good you are not your looks. your there because your good at what you do. if it was based off looks then you wouldn't see the talent.

  9. King Shire, are you kidding me? If girls have to sell out their body just to get people to notice them and their olympic-level abilities, then they have no respect for themselves. They shouldn't care about the fame in that way either if they're truly talented.

  10. Pretty or ugly if you're a good athlete you deserve to be in the Olympics.

  11. This is complete Bs. You can not get into the Olympics without being one of the best in the world at what you do. there is hot guys in the Olympics but they don't have this article about them. Who cares if their hot and talented.. let them be!
