Tuesday, January 28, 2014

When did school life become more complicated?

Remember back to your earliest school memory. Maybe 1st or 2nd grade when you were excited about school and making new friends. Seeing the world as a wonderful place of wonderment and discovery and everything good. Why do you think that changes as we get older and move through school?


  1. I think that as we get older there is more pressure to succeed. School becomes a burden instead of being fun and wonderful like it use to be

  2. Because for some people they are expected from parents and other family members to always have good grades.

  3. school is not fun and exciting anymore because classes get harder, there is more pressure to get good grades and get into college, and people grow change and lose friends. Going into shcool without friends is not fun.

  4. I think that school just becomes boring because in 1st and 2nd grade we are just starting school so were kind of excited to go but as you get older you just get sick of doing the same thing over and over every single day.

  5. It becomes harder to focus because the assignments and tests become more challenging.

  6. The people in school become more judgmental. People start to worry about what others think too much. Also, the same routine everyday gets really boring.

  7. When the government screwed up the system. And all the people in school became stuck up morons. Stay Classy ACGC

  8. 9th grade when tests became important.

  9. As we grow older school definitely becomes more difficult and stressful. The classes get longer and more complicated. The homework becomes harder as well. As you become older it becomes a bigger deal to get better grades and you get rewarded for having good grades. And besides all that going on, the older you get the more stress is put on you to decide what you want to do with your life.

  10. I don't think school gets harder, because we're also getting smart enough to handle what's thrown at us. I think the classes that are mandatory is what makes it hard. I have no interest in some, if not most, of these classes so I don't try as hard as I would in classes that I like. I think that friends drifting apart also makes things harder.

  11. You start to have more responsibly and have to take things into your own hands.

  12. I remember the only thing you used to have to worry about was who was going to get flown off of the merry-go-round or who was going to get to the tire swing the fastest way back in the day, not who was going to judge what you decided to wear and not who thought that they were the popular ones who really know how to put others down. Homework got a lot harder than adding and subtracting numbers under 10 too.

  13. As you get older and get closer to the day you have to start worrying about what you're going to do with your life, the pressure starts to build and you almost forget to enjoy school like you did in first grade.

  14. The older you get the less intresting you are with things in life. that is why when we are younger we find everthing so intresting and life moves a little slower it seems. but in our later years time just speeds by

  15. I think that school becomes more complicated because as a person gets older, more responsibilities and more sacrifices come up. You can't just think about yourself. life comes with choices, and school prepares you for that, but one thing that i think it does not prepare you for are the consequences, choices, and the feeling of being totally on your own. another is the unexpected moments in life. You are not prepared for them and if your on your own, it is almost lost. I dont think school prepares you for those things for a future that you yourself are supposed to shape.

  16. school became more complicated when everyone started judging other people. before we were all friends and knew we were all weird so we didnt have problems with that. then we grew up. real world hit us.
