Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why Kids Bully: Because They're Popular

By  Tuesday, February 8, 2011

- All Sociology students need to respond to this article!

The text in red below are links to other articles you may want to read before responding

Mean kids, mothers tell their wounded young, behave that way because they have unhappy home lives, or feel inadequate, or don't have enough friends or because they somehow lack empathy. But a new study suggests some mean kids actually behave that way simply because they can.

Contrary to accepted ruffian-scholarship, the more popular a middle- or high-school kid becomes, the more central to the social network of the school, the more aggressive the behavior he or she engages in. At least, that was the case in North Carolina, where students from 19 middle and high schools were studied for 4.5 years by researchers at the University of California-Davis.

Authors Robert Faris and Diane Felmlee interviewed public-school kids seven times over the course of their study, starting when the students were in grades 6, 7 and 8. They asked the students to name their friends and used the data to create friendship maps. They then asked the kids who was unkind to them and whom they picked on, and mapped out the pathways of aggression.

 (More on The Tricky Politics of Tween Bullying)

What they found was that only one-third of the students engaged in any bullying at all — physical force, taunts or gossip-spreading — but those who were moving up the school popularity chain bullied more as they went higher. Only when kids reached the very top 2% of the school's social hierarchy or fell into the bottom 2% did their behavior change; these kids were the least aggressive.

"Seemingly normal well-adjusted kids can be aggressive," says Faris, whose results are published in the new issue of the American Sociological Review. "We found that status increases aggression."

While the authors are not ruling out psychological or background influences as underlying causes of the bullying, they believe that popularity is at least as important. "It's one of the few times I can recall in social sciences where race and family background seem to make very little difference," says Faris. "Those demographic and socioeconomic factors don't seem to matter as much as where the kids are in the school hierarchy."

(More on A Glimmer of Hope in a Bad-News Survey About Bullying)

Faris also found that the more kids cared about popularity, the more aggressive they were. Ironically, that's pointless; hostile behavior did not cause rises in status. "The evidence suggests that overall aggression does not increase status," he says. Then again, it's not whether it works that's important. It's whether the kids believe it works.

Another stereotype the study jabbed at was that males and females bully differently. Boys spread gossip only marginally less often than girls did. And girls were negligibly less physically violent to each other than boys were. Gender-on-gender bullying was more prevalent among girls than boys, but boys were more likely to be hostile toward girls than the other way around.

Gender wasn't entirely a neutral factor, however. If a girl knew a lot of boys, or a boy knew a lot of girls at a school where there wasn't much intermingling of the sexes, those kids' status would go up, presumably because they provided a bridge to contact with potential dates. And, yep, the "gender-bridge" kids, as the study called them, seemed to be more aggressive than others.

If bullying is actually more of a result of hierarchy than of psychology, Faris believes there might be a more effective solution than trying to change the behavior of the bullies. "The majority of kids who witness this, either give it tacit approval or outright encouragement," says Faris. "Those are the ones who give these kids their status. We need to change their minds."


  1. This is very interesting! This research kind of shows us that with the "power" to bully around with other kids kids becomes more aggressive. I don't think that's a very good thing. I also think that it might have to do a little bit with the sice of the school. Is this something that happens at the bigger schools or could it happen at ACGC too?

  2. It's the same with anything else, if you want to be at the top you fight for it yes? In my opinion, it happens at some scale in all schools no matter what the size is.

  3. I think this can happen at any school and i do think that more popular kids bully the less popular ones. Just because they think they can and wont get in trouble for it. I think it happens in bigger schools than it does in smaller ones but it happens everywere.

  4. it is the popular and "wealthy" against the not so popular and not so weathly. is it jealously? or is it just a way of the not so popular tryin to move up to popular? kids who work vs kids who get everything givin to them throughout highschool?

  5. the kids who bully others are the ones that there parents arent so nice to them or got something in there life so they take it out on others. they usally pick on the kids who are nerds or dont have many friends and are goofy

  6. I'll roll wit zebra on this one, either you fight to helf affixiate yourself or you'll be demoted and used as a stature fixer.

  7. i think it all has to do with jealousy

  8. usally the kids that are more popular think they are better then everone else, so they bully anyone that is not popular,

  9. it's not just about raising your own status to some kids, but also about making sure others can't raise theirs.

  10. @superman Alright alright alright, i'll roll wit dat, but there's never gunna be a totally even stature level 'round here, getcha game up

  11. @superman Alright alright, i feel ya, i feel ya, I get where this is goin, but what up wit dat, do you feel that after readin dis here articular article, that you, sir, are a bully?

  12. @Da Boss Alright alright alright, no.

  13. I think that people percieved as popular are only popular because they do stuff what their general peers wished they could do, like speak their mind. What better way to show you speak your mind than going up to a kid not many people like and telling them how foolish they are? As long as they seem to be confident enough to speak their minds, they're given respect, and a boost in their popularity. Bullying helps people appear confident, and confidence in people is respected, well liked, and basically popular.

  14. Jeaolusy can be a big factor to this. The bully's see and maybe understand that some kids have something they don't have but really want and that's the reason why they are bullys

  15. Young kids bully. No matter how much people try to prevent it, it will still happen. I definetly do not agree with bullying, but i think its still going to happen.

  16. I think a type of bullying can happen at any age. We still see bullying in the workplace as well.


  18. orrrr it could be that someone is just really annoying to them and they bully them to make them stop.. which is sumthing ive seen before.

  19. i think that their are a lot of factors into why people bully others, money, jelousy, friends, and more, but no matter what the reson its still wrong! I dont think their is a "cure" for bullying but i think if we educate the younger kids more then they might not bully "as bad". Their is always hope!!

  20. i think it is horrible how some people bully others just because the "think" their popular. i think it has alot to do with jealous and trying to act cool.

  21. I think alot of the bulling has to be with people trying to be cool and after they grow up i think and hope they will understand what they did to others, treat others how you would want to be treated!!

  22. I hate how people think they are so cool and all that and treat other kids like crap maybe because of the clothes they wear or by what they look like but some people cant help it if they cant afford nice clothes and what not.

  23. I think it is sad the people have to put down others to make themselves feel good, bullying doesn't make people "cool" or "popular" it just makes them mean. Just because someone can't afford AE clothes or something deosn't make them less of a person, bullying people does.

  24. Kids act how they are based on their friends and there last name many schools it also depends on were you live like green lake or if you have a brand of clothing

  25. it seems like in the 21st century everybody is going for or wants to be popular so therefor the more bullying you do the more popular you are, simple concept but a dumb reasoning and a cruel act on others
