Monday, April 21, 2014

Minnesota State Mankato Football Coach


  1. I thought this whole thing was bull crap, what parents doesn't take pictures of there kids naked. Yes it was on his work phone but whatever. It was b.s and he should not of lost his job.

  2. I think its ok for the players to have a say but they have to adapt to Hoffner. Keen will still be there to help for awhile.

  3. I agree with wolfpack25 90 percent of people take pictures on there phone instead of a camera

  4. then again they played pretty well with out him as a coach too

  5. the school overreacted to the pictures. they should have figured it was his kids, but i guess a lot of people jump to conclusions right away. as for the team, it is awesome that they stood up for a voice, that they wanted to be heard. they made sure they did.

  6. I feel really bad for this guy. He's just an average parent trying to have mementos of his children. His whole reputation was ruined over a picture of his OWN children. I don't know if I would've had the courage to go back to the same team I used to coach.

  7. I feel really bad for this guy. He had just taken some bath time photos of his own kids, which I'm sure 90% of parents do. I think that it was silly to fire him over that. I also think that they were just looking for things to get rid of him. Now that a judge ruled this whole thing innocent he has to try to regain respect and a reputation that was destroyed in a horrible way. The things that Jerry Sandusky did to children were awful. There was actual physical things happening there. It wasn't pictures of his own children. I think the whole situation was just wrong.

  8. I don't think it was fair for the school to fire Hoffner, the technician should have asked Hoffner about the video instead of running to the board and accusing him of child pornography. I believe that the team did have a right to not practice because if something is not broke don't fix it. Keen's approach was working almost perfectly, leading them to two appearences in the division championships with a 24-2 record is not bad and i think that is why the team wanted Keen to stay as the head coach.

  9. I love how someone has a couple pictures of kids who aren't in full clothing and everyone jumps to the conclusion that hes a pedophile. Don't take time to actually see what they are or ask him who's kids they are. Lets just jump the gun and potentially ruin his football career at MSU.

  10. It is simply a parent who is taking pictures of his children. That does not make him a pedophile. Stupidity and ignorance have possibly ruined his football career for the rest of his life.

    1. I feel that stupidity and ignorance has ruined more lives than this one mans, if we all learned to slow down and think about stuff things like this would not even happen

  11. they could put him as a coach but not the head coach he would have to work for it if he want it back they can just leave keen as the head coach and if he want the head coach he can go coach for a different school.

    1. I agree keen did a perfectly good job without him and he has been kinda out of the loop since it happened he should have to work his way up back to head coach, but don't get me wrong I do think that heis innocent

  12. Here isn't anything wrong with this if it really is just a parent taking pictures of his kids. People are taking it as he is a pedophile but really how can they prove that? I'm sure my parents have pictures of me runnin around like that too I'm sure but that doesn't make them pedophiles either

  13. The coach should not have been fired and charged he did nothing wrong there's so many parents out there that probably have innocent naked pictures on their phone or wherever of their children.

  14. The school should do what the students want to keep them happy. if they don't want the coach back then he don't come back.

  15. i dont think that he is guilty what, but what if he actually is guilty and did all of this

  16. This was a complete overreaction by the school and like every school that ever existed they blew it up with out knowing everything.

    1. that could be very true, but what if he actaully did those things wrong and we didnt get the full story or he convinced everybody that is wasnt true to keep a somewhat decent requtation

  17. It couldn't have been that hard to figure out it was his kids especially if they knew they were his kids. Most parents take pictures of their kids.

  18. Most the kids on the team probably didn't like the coach anyways he wouldn't be hated this much if there wasn't confrontation in the first place

  19. it was not right for him to be arrested, or fired for this. they were his own kids and many parents do things like this. though it was perhaps inadvisable, there was nothing wrong with what he did.
