Monday, March 10, 2014

Sandy Hook shooter's Father


  1. I think his father abused him that's why he became so crazy

    1. What makes you think that? What information do you have that would lead you to believe that the father abused him?

  2. I don't think the father was abusive, more so absent than anything. I think the father maybe feels as though it was his fault because he was absent. I think maybe the shooter needed more attention for his autism than he was getting.

  3. I agree the father just feel a bit guilty because he was never there to help him

  4. I think that it is odd to me that he wants to talk to the families of the victims. Why would they want to speak to someone that was related to the person that killed their family members? What good is he going to do for them? If they were starting to heal I think seeing and talking to him would only make it harder to move on. If he was distant from his son, he has nothing to offer the families because he doesn't really even know the shooter himself

  5. I agree with FutureHusky14, if anything the father being absent on top of the shooter having asbergers is what created such a terrible incident. I believe the father now feels guilty for not being there, like it was somehow his fault because maybe if he was in the picture the picture would be entirely different and maybe none of this would have ever happened.

  6. The father feels like he wasnt there for his son, his son really did to a terrible thing and i feel like i would be feeling really guilty as well.
