Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Exclusive: Republican Party Calls For End To NSA Domestic Phone Records Program


Click on above link to read the article, then return to this blog to respond.

The New College Exam: A Test to Graduate


Click on the link above and read the article, then return to this blog and respond.


What will your family, friends, community, society remember about you?

When did school life become more complicated?

Remember back to your earliest school memory. Maybe 1st or 2nd grade when you were excited about school and making new friends. Seeing the world as a wonderful place of wonderment and discovery and everything good. Why do you think that changes as we get older and move through school?

10 Things I Should Have Learned By Now

Create a list of ten things you wish you would have learned by now. They could include life lessons, for example I should have learned not to trust everyone I meet. Or that life is not always fair and I need to get over it.

10 Things I Know To Be True

Create a list of ten things you know to be true.