Sunday, September 4, 2011

School's Out Forever for "Unschoolers"

School's Out Forever for Unschoolers - check out this link and comment what you think about this schooling idea.


  1. There seems to be many good things about unschooling in those scenarios, but I really don't think it's for most people. Public schools can help kids to meet and communicate greatly with other people. It also gives the opportunity to play organized sports easily.

  2. I agree that it really affects the social skills most students develop in a school setting. This could affect them later in life when it came to occupations, as they don't have that background in succesfully communicating with others.

  3. I also don't think this freer style of home schooling produces as well rounded scholars schools produce.

  4. One of the ideas behind "unschooling" is that you learn what you want when you want to learn it. We are all better student when we are learning what we want to learn. If I'm interested in computer technology, I will put more effort into it that other areas I am not interested.

  5. I get that it can be more interesting to learn in areas we want to, but sometimes it's necessary to be pushed into less interesting areas so that we can access that knowledge in times of need.

  6. Something I've learned from experience though is that at times you might feel or think you wouldn't be interested in a subject at all but after being pushed into it like in a normal school setting, you may realize and develop a passion for that area you may have never discovered on your own. Although I do fully realize that this "pushing" can also affect a student's outlook on that subject negatively as well.

  7. In a way, these free spirited learning kids could almost be considered spoiled. They are choosing everything they want to learn and when they want to learn it.

  8. I wouldn't really consider them spoiled, I think they just have a much different learning style that perhaps works for them.

  9. Yes, but their learning style teaches them knowledge as opposed to public schooling teaching knowledge and discipline with deadlines. Discipline isn't always the preferred choice, but I believe it's an essential thing to take part in.

  10. I think the article focused on a more leniant spectrum of homeschooling where some homeschooled students take their schooling just as serious as other students. Depending on their parent/guardian, they might be under stricter schooling.

  11. I completely agree with you needing to be pushed to learn different areas. I think structure does alot of good for students instead of free rain for the home schooled students.

  12. The article definitely seemed more lenient on the unschooling. Perhaps, the parents are doing a great job with making sure their children learn necessities and that would make it a great system of happy learning, but if less strict parents get a hold of that policy, I think the up bringing of that child wouldn't be as rewarding as other children's.

  13. There are many parents i could see just lazy and not to pursue there child in actually learning and pushing themselves. It will be horrible for children to be home schooled and get so much less out of there education. If parents push there children it could be so great for the child but may effect how they interact with other students in the future.

  14. With the group of kids with less concerned parents, the child could suffer greatly with this system. What if the child wants to learn how to get to level 476 on Dragon Master 3,000 and ceases to learn anything else until they have mastered it. That child's adulthood is surely in danger of producing a good future.

  15. With all these state requirement tests, children need to be properly prepped to be able to pass these. When children can go off and play video games all day does not do a single thing for the child. Kids need structure i believe or need to be semi pushed by there parents to actually succeed in life.

  16. Unschooling could do some good for self motivated children, but it seems that the decision to do this is at a very young age. That quality could be harder to determine then. It may be a good idea to start kids off in school and later on see if the unschooling is a better option.

  17. When your home schooled you miss so much of the social aspect and bonding with other students. Yes i agree start kids off in school and see how that goes and then decide what would be the best for them. I believe children would listen to there teachers more than there parents.

  18. Some of the most cherished moments come from experiences with school or the people there. Skipping forward and all over the place with unschooling can take away from that. I get that it would provide different and maybe even more exciting experiences, but sometimes the smaller moments are more memorable.

  19. Socially yes I think they'll receive more experiences in a school like setting but memory wise I think having the freedom and leniancy of this type of schooling could provide many opportunities of making memories elsewhere.

  20. I think the memories part could definitely vary. It would have to depend on how the kid chose to do the unschooling. But socially, the memories would be stronger in a school setting.

  21. Remember memories can be good and bad. In our fast paces what in it for me world, their are winners and losers. And if you are always on the losing side school is not a whole lot of fun.

  22. Yes I agree with that. If you don't like being in school or the experence it and just choose to be homeschooled, but you loose alot of the social perspective that helps you in life. High school is where you learn alot of tasks in life i believe. Those years are very important in your life and you shouldn't be alone.

  23. Some people are not cut out for highschool. they dont like their peers, teachers and the cliques and what not. that doesnt mean they are antisocial in any wyay. haveing bad expeirences in highaschool can make people hate education all together.

  24. I think un schooling is actually a smart concept after a certain age bracket. I think everyone needs to learn the basics but after that we should be free to learn about things that will better us for work.
